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Your Storybook Untitled-27

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Gifting Your Legacy Untitled-27

Useful Info Untitled-27

Your Legacy Shepherd

A legacy shepherd is a person or persons who can help you put this project together.  Although you may choose to do this project by yourself (which is perfectly fine), it may be helpful to have someone be involved in the organization and follow through on this project.

As we’ve stated, this can be a monumental project.  Not only will you have a lot of materials to organize, but there may be times that you get tired and unmotivated.  It is then that a Legacy Shepherd can help get you back on track and remind you of your reason for doing this project. 


Who will be your Legacy Shepherd?

How will your Legacy Shepherd help you?  Here are some categories.


Family History Research:

Family questionnaires:  Sending out emails, texts, etc. asking for input into the legacy leaving (i.e. what are some great stories you would like grandma to tell on film?, what great lessons did grandma leave you that were especially impactful, etc.)

Heirloom gathering and organization and possible distribution:

Planning filming day and helping story boarding the interview:

Planning Family preview day:


We will use this information to keep your Legacy Shepherd updated on the progress of your journey!